Candle Care

Looking after your candles:

It is very important to allow your candles to burn all the way to the edge of the container. This is especially important on the first few burns to prevent tunnelling, maintain a nice clean look, & most importantly ensures a strong scent throw!

We recommend burning your candles between 1.5 - 3 hours at a time and never more than 4 hours.

Always allow your candle to cool down and harden before handling and re-lighting.

We recommend trimming your wick to approximately 5mm in between burns to help prevent debris from falling into the wax and to ensure a clean scent throw. If you see black soot around the top of the jar this could indicate your wick needs trimming. (Take care not to cut your wick too short as you may risk your flame drowning in the wax pool).


Heat rises, as does the scent with it. We highly recommend placing your candle on a lower surface (coffee table or side table height - but safely out of reach from children and pets). This way you will get the best out of your candles and the room will fill with our mood boosting Candles And Mantras fragrances!

Basic candle safety:

  • Never leave a burning candle unattended.
  • Always place your candles on a heat-resistant stable surface away from anything flammable. 
  • Ensure candles are placed away from drafts, children, pets & flammable materials.
  • Ensure the wick is upright, above the wax and central before the wax resets. 
  • Trim the wick to 5mm before lighting to avoid smoking and damage to the glass.
  • Never leave a candle burning for more than 4 hours.